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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Review of OctaPharma Plasma Garden Grove CA

It's ok but a few of the employees are prima donnas. They think they are more important than the  donors & will take their time to come to you when your green light is on. They will do it intentionally to show you "who's the boss". 

My green light was on for about 2 minutes  and finally I waved to Dominique  to make sure that he knew I was finished because none of the employees were looking my way. He was casually talking to a female employee at the moment and responded "we'll be with you in a moment" and then he DIDN'T come over in a moment. Instead I had to wait for the gal nearby who was still cleaning one of the chairs.

 Finally she came  and tried to make me feel like I was the one who was being pushy telling me she was "cleaning the blood that had dripped  on the floor" as if I was the bad guy for wanting to get unhooked in a timely manner. And I DON't want to hear about blood dripping ๐Ÿ‘Ž. I was NOT being demanding -just expecting timely service as able ( & Dominique was able as well the gal he was talking to).  They were just chit-chatting .

Every single person who comes in there to donate blood is doing a good job by coming in patiently, obeying all the rules, being polite.  Many I've talked to  have jobs  and this is just to help make ends meet. We all have hardships  we could tell but nobody  wants to hear  sad stories. 

 If you're one of the workers and you're  just casually talking  to a coworker and you won't take time to come and take the needle out of somebody's arm ASAP then that's really LOUSY & MEAN  of you. shame on you. 

You're NOT superior to us. You're NOT more important. We've done our best as clients to come in in an orderly manner ... quietly & patiently obeying the rules and it's NOT too much to ask that when we're finished that you come over in a timely manner to let us out. It's NOT being demanding of us . It's a normal expectation. We  are doing our best so it's normal to expect that you do your best. It's mutual . Make it a win-win.